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Alfred Vierling » Uncategorized

Thilo Sarrazin : ‘ Deutschland hat nur noch eine Chance….’ betriffs Immigration, Energiepolitiek. (video 2023) (english subtitled)

Filed under: auf deutsch, in english, Uncategorized

Compare the geopolitical analysis by marxist Michael Hudson (video) with the one by Maximilian Krah of Alternative für Deutschland (video): les extrêmes se touchent ?

Filed under: in english, Uncategorized

Germany’s economic decline & alternative futures: Discussion with M Krah (Alternative for Germany party) video

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‘Ukraine war is a long-term danger’ says John Mearsheimer (video-interview)

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At the United Nations Security Council

@MaxBlumenthal deconstructs the US Govt corruption and lies regarding the US proxy war in Ukraine. Must watch: At the United Nations Security Council @MaxBlumenthal deconstructs the US Govt corruption and lies regarding the US proxy war in— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) July 2, 2023 video
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Thierry Baudet legt het afwezig parlement uit wie verdient aan de oorlog in Oekraine (video)

Thierry Baudet legt het afwezig parlement uit wie verdient aan de oorlog in Oekraine (video)

(10) Van Kennedy tot Baudet: 60 jaar tegen militair-industrieel complex –
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Interview with Daniel Ellsberg

Interview with Daniel Ellsberg

Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, who died last month, on Democracy Now!
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John Helmer predicted on 20 may atlantic war against Europe coming june 2023 on TNT -radio

John Helmer predicted on 20 may atlantic war against  Europe coming june 2023 on TNT -radio

see link http://www, or via spotify
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Europese Geopolitiek college

Europese Geopolitiek college

door historicus Robert Steuckers (video)
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The only way out of the attrition war in Ukraine…by Chinese concililiation ( as explained by Scott Ritter) (video interview)

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