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Alfred Vierling » in english

Victor Orban tries to talk sense to stop the war mongerers…(video)

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Russian FSB director affirms Ukrainian & Anglosaxon secret services’s involvement in islamist(?) attack on the Crocus City Hall of Moscow.

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A prisma on geopolitical strategy as opposed to uni sono atlantic approach by J Mearsheimer, A Mercouris and G Diesen (video)

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Late Gonzalo Ira has explained the motives of Victoria Nuland c.s. to wage a war against Russia. (video)

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Gonzalo Ira, he did not make it to the border

Link to last video before his death and the lethal blow on freedom of opinion. I’m About To Cross The Border 3/3 (
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Ray McGovern about H. Kissinger and the kitchen of American foreign policy over decades. (video)

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Colonel L. Wilkerson explains American hegemonic ‘υβρις over past decades in discussion with Mercouris & Dieson. (video).

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A. Mercouris exposes the very European politicians, who have obstructed a promising peace deal with Russia, spring 2022 focussed regime change in Moscow. (video)

Zbigiev Brzezinsky, author of ‘The Grand Chessboard’ in which he stated that the Soviet-Union without Ukraine would cease to be a superpower.
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Thilo Sarrazin : ‘ Deutschland hat nur noch eine Chance….’ betriffs Immigration, Energiepolitiek. (video 2023) (english subtitled)

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NATO General Kujat: Ukraine mit riesigen Verlusten, Selenskyj kann Krieg nicht gewinnen! video- English subtitled

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