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Alfred Vierling » Video/audio


All videos have been placed hereunder, with small introduction, under the list of numbered titles as well as to be found under search: alfred vierling
All audios are placed under the numbered list of titles to be found under the videos down here as well as on search alfred vierling

Meer recente audio/podcasts debatten met bijdragen door Alfred Vierling te vinden op bijvoorbeeld:


Ook zijn onderaan de audiotracks nog potcasts te vinden met Sjors Remmerswaal, de eerste mijn relaas over de klinaatwaan, de tweede over demonisering Centrumpartij, ONDERTEKENAARS NASHVILLE-verklaring en gele vestjes.

Disclaimer: To prevent medieval guilt by association it is to be noticed that the interviewer
should not be considered to have implicitly agreed upon all opinions and conclusions by the interviewees.
The interviewees being denied freedom of expression elsewhere are given leeway. They are revealing weaknesses in current political ideologies and merely for that reason worth of our attention. This platform is not meant for an uncritical audience taking their opinions for granted

Introduction: Guillaume Faye interviewd by Prof Pavel Tulaev about Eurrussia project (video in English)

A: Series Europe between Americanisation and Islamisation:

1a. discussion with Prof. Pavel Tulaev (English version)
1b. discussion with Prof. Pavel Tulaev (Russian version)
2. discussion with Guillaume Faye (in French, dutch undertitled but
with serious error: read S. Huntington in stead of Clinton)
3. discussion with Horst Mahler (in German, Dutch undertitled)
4. discussion with David Duke (in English)

B. interviews

5. with David Duke (in English)
6. with Andrey Woloshin (in English)

C. lectures and panel discussions:

7. lecture on defensive measures against islamisation, a world view. (in Dutch, lecture for Eurorus)
8. panel discussion on Centrumparty’s impact on dutch politics (in Dutch, The Hague=Den Haag)
9. alfred vierling interviewed about the role of art to politics (in Dutch, broadcasted by Rijnmond television)
10. lecture on the ontology of Turkey and its eventual admission to the European Union. (in Dutch, for Rijnbok groep, Sassenheim)
11. lecture on the ontology of Turkey and its eventual admission to the European Union. (in Dutch, for Voorpost, Belgium)
11a. Lexture on admission of Turkey to EU, (intro by R.Buyns)
12. panel discussion on the impact of multiculturalism on society and defensive measures against it. (in Dutch for LPF party, Almelo)
13. lecture on the ontology of Turkey and its eventual admission to the European Union. (in Dutch, for Nieuw Rechts, The Hague=Den Haag)
14. lecture on education of cadres of anti-immigrationalist, anti-multiculturalist and assertive European identitary groups. (in Dutch, Den Haag)
15. Table ronde a Moscou (2011) Table Talk Euro-Rus – PZRK (Застольные беседы Евро-Rus – ПЗРК) discussion
en russe avec traduction française Drs Alfred Vierling s’adresse aux Russes en français (in cauda;
dans la troisième quart du video)
16. La contribution d’A Vierling au panel discussion de la Conférence ‘Europe contre Wall Street
organisé par Eurorus/ Kris Roman/Nation Dendermonde prinbtemps 2013 (en français)
17. Interview (video) met Alfred Vierling door radio 1/NTR dd 22 april 2014 inzake vermeend racisme in Duindorp
18. Lezing over Geopolitiek door drs Alfred Vierling voor Vlaams Belang te Hasselt 27 november 2015
19. Lezing kadervorming 19 mei Schiedam voor Erkenbrand.
20. Voordracht Nieuwjaarsreceptie Voorpost Nederland 2017
21. Tweegesprek; de betekenis van mei’68
22. Kris Roman meets Drs Alfred Vierling about the MH17

23.Press Conf of representation of Republic Donetz in Belgium about MH-17 in Dendermonde, 2 oct 2021 24. Interview door S.R. dd 25 oct 2019 met Alfred Vierling over het klimaataccoord ( the great global warning swindle) (Nederlands).


A: Series Europe between Americanisation and Islamisation: 

Vier maal Vierling: Pavel Toulaev, Moscow july 2011


Conversation with Pavel Vladimirovich Toulaev in Russian


Vier maal Vierling: Guillaume Faye. Paris mai 2003, en francais, nederlands ondertiteld.


Vier maal Vierling: Horst Mahler, Berlin, april 2003 auf deutsch, nederlands ondertiteld.


Vier maal Vierling: David Duke, Dendermonde juni 2008 in English.


B. interviews 

Alfred Vierling interviews David Duke Dendermonde 2009.


Interview with Andrey Woloshin, Kiev oct 2009, in English.


C. lectures and panel discussions: 

Speech on ethnopolitics at Eurorus meeting


Debat Centrumstroming


Alfred Vierling over kunst en cultuur


Lezing op Voorpost Contactavond


Debat LPF Almelo


Alfred Vierling over toetreding van Turkije tot EU


Kadervorming op nationalistisch dispuut



Lezing kadervorming bij Erkenbrand 2017


Nieuwjaarsreceptie Voorpost Nederland


Tweegesprek; De betekenis van mei’68


Kris Roman meets Drs Alfred Vierling about the MH17

Press Conference of Representation of Republic Donetz in Belgium about MH-17, Dendermonde , 2 oct 2021



1. lecture on the ontology of China, in Dutch , for Nationaal-Solidarischtische Actie, Belgium)
2. interviews during Pro Koln (Cologne) demonstration against islamisation (in Dutch and German, Radio Rapaille, music interrupted program)
3. interviews during Pro Koln (Cologne) demonstration against islamisation (in Dutch and German, continuation ).
3a. and rough unprepared version
4. discussion with Vlascislav, a Russian young psychologist on the political situation in Russia. (in English).
5. on ritual slaughtering without stunning by jews and muslims. (in Dutch, for Radio Rapaille).
6. Alfred Vierling interviewed on the Centrumparty period by Tim MuUdde for Radio Rapaille (In Dutch.for Radio Rapaille).
7. sound track of panel discussion on video C 6 on islamisation and defence mechanisms, (in Dutch, Almelo)
8. Konstantin Panfilov’s lezing over kozakken voor Eurorus 27 spet 2012 Dendermonde (Russisch met
consecutiefvertaling Nederlands) Константин Панфилов доклад по казакам (на русском и нидерландском языке)
9. alfred vierling about some zionist geopolitical aspects on potcast:
(speaking after some 10 minutes in interview by dd about 20 minutes)
10.alfred vierling op vrijetribune panel inzake kentheoretische en geopolitieke aspecten van

Embed Music – Audio Hosting – Podcast Hosting – Listen Audio – Listen Music – Listen Audio – Embed Music – Audio Hosting – Upload Music – Share Audio – Play Music – Play Audio – Embed Music Files – Upload Audio – Embed Music – Embed Audio – Listen Music – Play Audio – Vierling over nationalisme alsal dan niet geschikt uitgangspunt voor geopolitiek. videogesprek 0ctober 2023 Dwarsdenkers 6: Alfred Vierling De podcast serie Dwarsdenkers laat prominenten uit de Nationale Beweging aan het woord, met hier jurist, politicus en geopoliticus Alfred Vierling – oktober 2022 Vierling over klimaatwaan jan. 2019!fca9c Vierling over demonisering Centrumpartij, Nashville verklaring en gele vestjes!bd1ee alfred vierling geinterviewed over nationalisme in toekomstige bewegingen.:

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