Alfred Vierling » Archive
De gedaantewisselingen van de NAVO: Van binnenlandse communisme bestrijding tot wereldwijde aanvalsorganisatie (K vd Pijl)
Filed under: in het Nederlands
Marleine Dietrich ‘Wo sind…die Blumen, Mädchen, Männer, Soldaten, Gräber geblieben? (english intro franc,aise) video
Filed under: auf deutsch
Thierry Baudet geeft historische opsomming van NAVO aanvalsoorlogen zonder VN-mandaat.
Filed under: in het Nederlands
Russian FSB director affirms Ukrainian & Anglosaxon secret services’s involvement in islamist(?) attack on the Crocus City Hall of Moscow.
Filed under: in english, на русском языке
Frau Weidel (AfD)und Frau Wagenknecht (BSW)beten uni sono ums Kriegsbeëndigung aber verweigern sich die Zusammenarbeit in der opposition. (videos)
Filed under: auf deutsch
A prisma on geopolitical strategy as opposed to uni sono atlantic approach by J Mearsheimer, A Mercouris and G Diesen (video)
Filed under: in english
A soviet-style show conference of the Atlantic Cie on Leyden Un. : Uni sono belligerent pleading for more weapons to Ukraine. (+ Ned. critici-videos)
I have attended on 23 febr 2024 a Conference on ‘The Impact of Russian Aggression 2 yrs on’ at The Hague Campus of Leyden University, organised in soviet style by The Atlantic Commission, Inst Clingendael and some self-proclaimed military think tanks, all pleading for highter mil budgets and more weapens delivery to Ukraĩne and repeating uni sono the NATO narrative of ‘unprovoked war by Russia. Well, in The Hague, boasting itself to … Read entire article »
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