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Alfred Vierling » en français, in english, на русском языке » RUSSIA’s Wretched Defilers by Somerset; commentaire par Alexandre Douguine (Dugin) (video на русском языке, soutitré en français)

RUSSIA’s Wretched Defilers by Somerset; commentaire par Alexandre Douguine (Dugin) (video на русском языке, soutitré en français)

Pussy Riot

Western analysis of the stunt pulled in Moscow by the cretins known as Pussy Riot cannot convey the visceral rage their act has elicited from the typical Russian.
I don’t mean the typical Russian of central Moscow or St. Petersburg, but those from the endless cinderblock apartments that ring each city and fill in the rest of the largest geographic country on Earth. They are not commonly interviewed on television, and Western media hardly ever quote them. However, they do most of the nation’s working and slaving and living and dying. They also do the believing.
There are many things one does not do in a Russian Orthodox church. In many colder climes—basically all of Russia much of the year—adherents do not remove coats. Congregants remain standing throughout the ceremony. You cannot put your hands in your pockets and if you do, someone will tap you and wag his finger.
The clergy will not look at you. Their backs are to parishioners because Orthodox services honor the Almighty instead of trying to entertain those who pass through the archway. The service is not about you and it will proceed whether you are there or not.
This is a video of the “protest” by Pathetic Riot (sic) before an Orthodox ceremony, a rite still taken seriously in Russian culture. Note the horrified look on the peasant women’s faces. That is the expression of true belief being defiled.
“Only fools mistake good manners for weakness.”
Attendance was sparse at the cathedral that day, but many Russians apparently would have felt no qualms about kicking in every last one of these girls’ teeth. This is the degree to which their stunt offends typical Russians. Few would object to the same reaction at a neo-Nazi rally at Auschwitz, a pro-Khmer Rouge carnival at a Cambodian temple, or those insufferable jackasses who denounce homosexuality at soldiers’ funerals. Some people beg to have hell beaten out of them. That they generally don’t is a true crime against humanity.
Infiltrators and just plain traitors had framed the prosecution as a trial of “democracy” and “free speech.” This, like most of what newsreaders gurgle, is as much manure as the bile from these pretentious wretches’ throats. In Russia both government generally and Putin individually are criticized freely and frequently.
While there are instances of journalists disappearing or suffering untimely deaths (though by no means all or even most attributable to government), the exact same happens in the West and America in particular. The only difference is that Americans never hear about them. The West’s few enterprising journalists suffer “suicides,” with the only notes left behind addressed to their families.
Lamentably, there was no end to the insufferable idiots spouting off about this lack of Russian liberty.
One of them was Madonna, taking reprieve from showing the ravages of time to tell the world we must respect freedom. Not freedom of religion or freedom of association evidently, but freedom to spit on others’ most sacred beliefs in a place specifically designed for them to retreat from a world which already does that with glee at every opportunity imaginable.

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Another was the defiler Khodorkovsky, who ought to be disqualified from giving any statement about Christ’s sanctity. Yet when did courtesy or common sense ever convince one of his ilk to keep its mouth shut about anything? On the contrary, the Oligarch Who Didn’t Get Away felt at ease questioning the morality of a country from which he stole billions.
There were other “musicians” and intellectual lightweights who deigned to make digs at the deity. If you are ever in a committee meeting where Sting, Yoko Ono, and Madonna agree, back quietly out of the room and run until you’re out of breath.
Guilty verdicts and two-year sentences have been rendered against the perpetrators. Many in the Orthodox Church recommended that the rioting miscreants be put to hard labor. Presumably it would at least wipe some of the smugness off their lips. One husband repeatedly proclaimed his willingness to battle courts for decades to free his wife. He also made excellent sympathy-pimping of their young daughter.
Still, these dregs of humanity received a sentence in record time by the standards of the liberal West, which loves “freedom” so much it takes years to punish lesser criminals who shoot up film theaters or massacre people at legitimate political rallies. That is in cases when there is a trial at all.
Here is the authentic Russian perspective: Next time you consider denigrating those who disagree with you in sacred or holy places, don’t.
Are you so naive not to realize if your “art” is defiling our consecrated sites, our “art” can as easily consist of beating you into a bloody pulp? Only fools mistake good manners for weakness.
Those struck with horror that women behaving antagonistically should be dealt on parity with men doing the same should realize that chivalry is an entirely Christian concept. All the social protections you enjoy are just as easily disposed of as those antiquated mores espoused by the vast majority you deem so worthy of ridicule.
If unbelievers care to criticize, they are perfectly welcome to do so in their own space and time. But bullies must remember they are guests in our house and it is a host’s prerogative to throw them out the door whenever we please.

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Alexandre Douguine – le chantage mondial des… door ZKaedes

Filed under: en français, in english, на русском языке

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